
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

Title State Replies Latest Post
Haim Schlesinger's Avatar

Scroll to last edit does not work properly

open 3 22 May, 2018 06:00 PM by Brett
Dusan Vudragovic's Avatar

Problem with edit feature

resolved 5 22 May, 2018 02:32 PM by Brett
Tim Osborn's Avatar

GFM opening codeblock not recognized

open 1 22 May, 2018 03:08 AM by Brett
Olli's Avatar

Huge PDF sizes after 2.5.14 (947) update

open 4 21 May, 2018 04:40 PM by Brett
Bill Raynor's Avatar

Mathjax fails mid-document.

open 4 18 May, 2018 03:09 PM by Brett
Keith Irwin's Avatar

GitHub style doesn't show blank lines when blank lines between bullet items

open 2 18 May, 2018 02:08 AM by Keith
Joey Hoer's Avatar

Printing Issue with "Exports" String

open 3 17 May, 2018 08:14 PM by Brett
Simon's Avatar

Select All, Copy is also copying the Table of Contents html

resolved 5 16 May, 2018 04:47 PM by Brett
Teng's Avatar

The recent update broke MathJax

resolved 11 16 May, 2018 12:25 PM by Brett
pergosterlie's Avatar

Marked 2.5.13 (946) and Scrivener problem

open 9 15 May, 2018 10:52 PM by Brett
Nigel Chapman's Avatar

Bugs in 2.5.13

open 2 15 May, 2018 03:34 PM by Nigel Chapman
Bill Smargiassi's Avatar

Admittedly non-standard use of code block language confuses Marked

open 2 15 May, 2018 03:27 PM by Bill Smargiassi
paul.reinerfelt's Avatar

Marked 2 dropped several standard styles from the menu

open 1 15 May, 2018 12:33 PM by Brett
Bertil's Avatar

Version 2.5.13 (946) – diacritic signs in TOC etc.

resolved 3 14 May, 2018 07:07 PM by Brett
Joel Neely's Avatar

Update from 2.5.10 to 2.5.12

resolved 8 12 May, 2018 07:20 PM by Joel Neely
johseb's Avatar

Critic markup visibility for dark themes

open 10 11 May, 2018 09:31 PM by johseb
Neal's Avatar

Scrivener 3

open 4 11 May, 2018 11:38 AM by Brett
rich.ruh's Avatar

Problems with text after code blocks

open 2 10 May, 2018 10:27 PM by rich.ruh
Eduard Rozenberg's Avatar

Line immediately after fenced code block missing first two letters

open 1 09 May, 2018 07:47 PM by Brett
Abhay Ghatpande's Avatar

Swiss style displays numbered lists without hanging indent

open 3 05 May, 2018 05:22 AM by henry.raco24
Ravi's Avatar

App crashes when saving in xcode

open 5 02 May, 2018 07:59 PM by Brett
hexid26's Avatar

problem with MathJax and GFM Process

open 2 28 Apr, 2018 04:32 PM by Brett
Haim Schlesinger's Avatar

App crashes often

open 1 25 Apr, 2018 03:55 PM by Brett
zıəs uɐɟəʇs's Avatar

Hiding per-document styles for other processors

open 7 18 Apr, 2018 06:47 AM by zıəs uɐɟəʇs
Carl's Avatar

TOC Bug???

open 7 12 Apr, 2018 09:26 PM by Brett
David Levy's Avatar

Paginated PDFs

open 8 12 Apr, 2018 12:47 AM by josh
NAthan's Avatar

Not Working

open 3 01 Apr, 2018 05:23 AM by Brett
Victor Warner's Avatar

referenced images in markdown file, cause Marked 2 to double "[]"

open 7 30 Mar, 2018 07:16 PM by torstenkoepke
Casey's Avatar

using Marked2 with iThoughtsX

open 2 21 Mar, 2018 08:03 PM by Casey Dixon
Matthew's Avatar

Marked2.App Spelling/grammar not working.

open 2 21 Mar, 2018 05:54 PM by Matthew Schock

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