
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

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luc_j_bourhis's Avatar

Videos are not exported with <video> tag

open 6 07 Feb, 2019 09:30 PM by nachiket
's Avatar


open 5 06 Feb, 2019 08:16 PM by Brett
sylvaticus's Avatar

Ink Preview Doesn't Show Bullets

open 2 31 Jan, 2019 08:26 PM by sylvaticus
francoislaflamme's Avatar

iA Writer Content Blocks Many Layers Deep Not Working

open 1 30 Jan, 2019 09:00 PM by Brett
Kee Hinckley's Avatar

Unsupported Format Errors

open 3 29 Jan, 2019 05:43 PM by Brett
Roger W's Avatar

formatting issues with .docx

open 12 28 Jan, 2019 01:36 PM by Brett
Sean McCabe's Avatar

Blank Space When Exporting Continuous PDF But Not Paginated PDF

resolved 5 20 Jan, 2019 04:50 PM by Brett
Chris Sederqvist's Avatar

Single-quotes are transformed to &apos; inside code-blocks on export to markdown from preview

open 6 16 Jan, 2019 12:38 AM by Chris Sederqvist
Tim Osborn's Avatar

Strikethough is not recognized using GFM

open 1 11 Jan, 2019 01:24 PM by Brett
Alexander Chamessian's Avatar

Github CSS not putting new line after list

open 1 10 Jan, 2019 02:43 PM by Brett
Julian's Avatar

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get ASCIIMath to preview

resolved 2 07 Jan, 2019 05:08 PM by Julian
Peter Hajas's Avatar

HTML comments at the beginning of a document are shown in Marked 2

open 1 03 Jan, 2019 01:04 PM by Brett
Steve Haunch's Avatar

Lists not rendering/exporting correctly

open 3 02 Jan, 2019 04:25 PM by Steve Haunch
Daniel A Graham's Avatar


open 2 02 Jan, 2019 03:35 PM by Daniel Graham
speedygallons's Avatar

Error rendering Latex sintax

open 1 29 Dec, 2018 02:31 PM by Brett
Jonathan Schmidt's Avatar

Some GitHub markdown not rendered correctly in preview.

open 2 28 Dec, 2018 04:27 PM by Brett
Avi Flax's Avatar

Markdown not rendering inside aside tag

open 4 27 Dec, 2018 07:25 PM by Brett
elbie's Avatar

Export to PDF turns *embedded* PDF image blurry

open 10 24 Dec, 2018 08:41 PM by Tõnu Margus
enrico.scarpella's Avatar

Export to paginated PDF cuts lines at the end of the page

open 4 21 Dec, 2018 05:57 PM by enrico.scarpella
Mario Eberhard's Avatar

Markdown interpretation problem

open 2 16 Dec, 2018 02:42 PM by Brett
Perry's Avatar

custom processing

open 0 13 Dec, 2018 04:19 PM by Perry
Manuel Alonso's Avatar

Marked2 and Ulysses 3

open 14 11 Dec, 2018 04:25 PM by Brett
Randolph A Burgess's Avatar

Can't run demo download of your store version to see if it's worth replacing the App Store version with

open 3 10 Dec, 2018 08:32 AM by RANDOLPH A BURGESS
Alex Chan's Avatar

Code block rendering bug -- replaced by something later in the document!

open 3 01 Dec, 2018 04:08 PM by Brett
Martin McCallion's Avatar

Previewing MarsEdit 4 just shows "Looking for MarsEdit"

open 10 27 Nov, 2018 03:25 PM by Donald Jenkins
David Botton's Avatar

inline footnotes not working in marked 2

open 13 24 Nov, 2018 02:28 PM by Brett
Stephan Zellerhoff's Avatar

Marked 2 & webMD popclip extension

open 1 20 Nov, 2018 01:31 PM by Brett
Alexandre Dumas's Avatar

Not working on network share files.

open 8 20 Nov, 2018 01:30 PM by Brett
Stuart's Avatar

github bullet formatting

open 1 20 Nov, 2018 02:43 AM by Brett
Yaroslav's Avatar

Table of Content issue

open 6 06 Nov, 2018 06:08 AM by Ярослав

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