
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

Title State Replies Latest Post
Yoseok seong's Avatar


open 1 09 Sep, 2020 04:19 PM by Brett
Chip Morris's Avatar

Fountain mode Italics Issue

open 1 08 Sep, 2020 02:35 PM by Brett
Shashank Rajesh's Avatar

MathJax Bug

open 3 05 Sep, 2020 08:05 PM by Brett
Jonathan Wheeler's Avatar

Crash on startup when modified kramdown

resolved 2 03 Sep, 2020 01:54 PM by Jonathan Wheeer
d.avitabile's Avatar

HTML export not including MathJax CDN link

resolved 9 03 Sep, 2020 01:19 PM by d.avitabile
Scott Hartley's Avatar

Pandoc/KaTeX loading issue

open 7 03 Sep, 2020 12:50 PM by Brett
chris's Avatar

How do have Marked learn a spelling?

open 3 01 Sep, 2020 03:54 PM by Brett
Ubaldo Passamonti's Avatar

Image not showing

resolved 3 27 Aug, 2020 01:04 PM by Brett
pergosterlie's Avatar

Activation of license?

open 3 26 Aug, 2020 01:11 PM by Brett
Jim Bagrow's Avatar

MarsEdit Preview crashes. Setapp?

open 12 22 Aug, 2020 05:45 PM by Brett
rafaelcaballe's Avatar

Marked 2 - Bear Preview

open 9 20 Aug, 2020 02:54 PM by Brett
nic's Avatar

Images Not Showing / Catalina / Permissions

open 4 18 Aug, 2020 07:46 PM by Brett
Steffan's Avatar

Centre an Image

resolved 4 17 Aug, 2020 04:51 AM by Ehler
Doug Knapman's Avatar

Two $ in a paragraph not displayed correctly in Marked 2, HTML is good just display is incorrect.

open 1 10 Aug, 2020 10:13 PM by Brett
7moses's Avatar

Marked is crashing with my dodgy Pandoc Argument

open 3 06 Aug, 2020 04:32 PM by 7moses
adugas's Avatar

Marked 2 crashing after saving file in Sublime Text 3

open 7 05 Aug, 2020 04:45 PM by adugas
darryl.lawson's Avatar

C++ code fence with only 3 backticks not working

open 6 30 Jul, 2020 10:27 PM by darryl.lawson
Tyler's Avatar

Bug: Marked 2 doesn't support multi-file open from Finder via File > Open With > "Marked 2", drag-n-drop onto the icon, etc.

open 2 30 Jul, 2020 07:06 PM by Tyler Morrison
Mike Beard's Avatar

having "//path.path" as plain text messes up next markdown syntax

open 5 30 Jul, 2020 01:15 AM by Mike Beard
Ivan's Avatar

Page Breaks do not work (Marked 2.5.43 + GitHub style + Export to Paginated PDF)

open 1 26 Jul, 2020 11:19 PM by Brett
Simon's Avatar

PDF export parginated: text is not not copy & paste capable

resolved 12 23 Jul, 2020 06:16 PM by Brett
Olivier Spinnler's Avatar

Trouble with image size specification from Ulysses into textbundle

open 7 22 Jul, 2020 11:00 AM by Brett
chris's Avatar

Showing "missing file" links

open 5 20 Jul, 2020 05:16 PM by Brett
Greg Sheppard's Avatar

CSS column-count Not Rendering in PDF

open 3 14 Jul, 2020 09:28 PM by Greg Sheppard
Josh Walsh's Avatar

Tag Renders in PDF export even when Show Comments is disabled

open 6 09 Jul, 2020 09:55 PM by Brett
CG's Avatar

'Replace horizontal rules with page breaks' is no longer working for me

resolved 3 29 Jun, 2020 07:17 PM by Brett
pbassi's Avatar

Link Token/ Reference link

open 2 29 Jun, 2020 07:16 PM by Brett
nick's Avatar


open 2 28 Jun, 2020 05:05 PM by Brett
Michelle Supper's Avatar

No option to export html from Marked 2

open 5 22 Jun, 2020 02:47 PM by Brett
Young's Avatar

need crossgrade for bear preview

open 3 22 Jun, 2020 02:45 PM by Brett

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