
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

Title State Replies Latest Post
Tom Baldwin's Avatar

Fenced code blocks are not included when I 'copy rich text'

open 0 18 Feb, 2022 07:21 PM by Tom Baldwin
kevin henderson's Avatar

pandoc with mermaid filter

open 1 12 Feb, 2022 07:27 PM by Brett
khurt's Avatar


open 3 10 Feb, 2022 03:31 PM by Brett
's Avatar

Downloads not working

open 0 09 Feb, 2022 08:53 PM by gavin
lucashaley's Avatar

Unicode in blockquote not rendering

resolved 0 25 Jan, 2022 03:36 AM by lucashaley
Nathan P's Avatar

Different margins in different processors (MMD/Discount versus Pandoc)

open 3 20 Jan, 2022 02:50 AM by Brett
Noah 's Avatar

Text is pixelated/rasterized when printed

open 0 17 Jan, 2022 01:35 AM by Noah
johseb's Avatar

Relative paths in image links and Pandoc

open 5 05 Jan, 2022 03:57 PM by matt
Ronnie Mainieri's Avatar

Cmd-E does not open editor in a text bundle

open 0 05 Jan, 2022 12:54 PM by Ronnie Mainieri
jtmusky's Avatar

List item not rendering correctly after a header then a paragraph

open 4 27 Dec, 2021 08:27 PM by jtmusky
Masanori Kado's Avatar

Doesn't work "Additional CSS"

open 6 09 Dec, 2021 05:19 AM by Gustavo Bezerra
tcowan's Avatar

I cannot submit a bug report

resolved 7 15 Nov, 2021 01:42 PM by Brett
halloleo's Avatar

Opening a new Marked window freezes my iMac for 1 munte or so.

resolved 11 24 Oct, 2021 01:03 AM by Brett
Shl1ck's Avatar

Loading . . . error iThoughtsX and Marked2

open 3 20 Oct, 2021 07:29 PM by Brett
Mike Erickson's Avatar

Unable to install update

open 1 13 Oct, 2021 02:09 PM by Brett
Keith B.'s Avatar

Word count appears to be run on custom processor input, not output

open 0 08 Oct, 2021 02:40 AM by Keith B.
Bob Wilson's Avatar

Problem Upgrading 2.6.12

open 1 30 Sep, 2021 04:29 AM by Bob Wilson
einar.risholm's Avatar

Katex not rendering correctly in html export

open 9 25 Sep, 2021 06:33 PM by Brett
David Passarelli's Avatar

ATX-style heading not rendered if text is enclosed in square brackets

open 2 13 Sep, 2021 09:19 PM by David Passarelli
Mike Erickson's Avatar

Document goes blank and shows <null>

open 4 10 Sep, 2021 03:14 PM by Michael Erickson
einar.risholm's Avatar

Centering the document

resolved 2 10 Sep, 2021 05:08 AM by einar.risholm
Dave's Avatar

Nested lists don't quite work properly

open 1 22 Aug, 2021 10:36 PM by Brett
dan's Avatar

tocstyle.css causes issues with Fontawesome when used in document

open 3 13 Aug, 2021 12:23 PM by Brett
zabouti's Avatar

Marked 2 hangs because of a large file

open 4 19 Jul, 2021 08:29 PM by zabouti
beeven's Avatar

Some math equations do not render correctly

open 5 17 Jul, 2021 11:54 AM by Brett
Kurt Marko's Avatar

can't export docx

open 0 13 Jul, 2021 09:59 PM by Kurt Marko
deddeaw.bluerider128's Avatar

When use Scrivener's comment Marked 2 can not ignore the comment and just preview the text.

open 7 02 Jul, 2021 03:01 AM by deddeaw.bluerider128
TJ Luoma's Avatar

doc and docx do not have working html links

open 7 23 Jun, 2021 05:06 PM by Brett
skiptime's Avatar

marked displaying text in narrow column that is 'released' if I turn off Enable Custom Processor

open 5 23 Jun, 2021 08:04 AM by skiptime
Andrew Farmer's Avatar

infinite loading with CPU spike

open 3 03 Jun, 2021 07:23 PM by Brett

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