Text surrounded with backticks may be displayed with <span> elements.

the.tester's Avatar


11 Mar, 2023 01:50 PM

In some cases, Marked two displays text surrounded with backticks, with additional <span> elements.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an examples file with, for example:

echo 'In Ruby objects of class Object respond to the methods/messages #nil? and #to_s'. > example.md

Note that "#method_name" is the idomatic way to denote instance methods in Ruby documentation, esp. when used in conbination with classes.

  1. Open that file with Marked 2.
  2. The displayed file is shown with elements.


I'd suggest to at least provide a way to display the text as intended. One possible way is to allow escaping the #-sign. Another way is to not render the backtick-octothorpe-combination with a element.


// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1040 (Mac App Store)

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  1. 1 Posted by the.tester on 11 Mar, 2023 01:54 PM

    the.tester's Avatar

    Oh, the code in that command line should not have been highlighted, but instedt used backticks. Is there a way to escape the backticks? Maybe `something` (trying a backslash here).

  2. 2 Posted by the.tester on 11 Mar, 2023 01:55 PM

    the.tester's Avatar

    OK, the command line should look like this:

    echo 'In Ruby objects of class Object respond to the methods/messages `#nil?` and `#to_s`'. > example.md

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 11 Mar, 2023 02:05 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    i think they’re being interpreted as tags. It shouldn’t do it within code spans, so I’ll have to look at that, but you can disable #tag rendering entirely in Preferences (sorry, afk so I can’t remember exactly which preference pane it’s on).

    On Mar 11, 2023 at 7:58 AM -0600, Stephan <[email blocked]>, wrote:

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