Text surrounded with backticks may be displayed with <span> elements.
In some cases, Marked two displays text surrounded with backticks, with additional <span>
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an examples file with, for example:
echo 'In Ruby objects of class Object
respond to the methods/messages #nil?
and #to_s
'. > example.md
Note that "#method_name" is the idomatic way to denote instance methods in Ruby documentation, esp. when used in conbination with classes.
- Open that file with Marked 2.
- The displayed file is shown with elements.
I'd suggest to at least provide a way to display the text as intended. One possible way is to allow escaping the #-sign. Another way is to not render the backtick-octothorpe-combination with a element.
// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1040 (Mac App Store)
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1 Posted by the.tester on 11 Mar, 2023 01:54 PM
Oh, the code in that command line should not have been highlighted, but instedt used backticks. Is there a way to escape the backticks? Maybe `something` (trying a backslash here).
2 Posted by the.tester on 11 Mar, 2023 01:55 PM
OK, the command line should look like this:
echo 'In Ruby objects of class Object respond to the methods/messages `#nil?` and `#to_s`'. > example.md
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 11 Mar, 2023 02:05 PM
i think they’re being interpreted as tags. It shouldn’t do it within code spans, so I’ll have to look at that, but you can disable #tag rendering entirely in Preferences (sorry, afk so I can’t remember exactly which preference pane it’s on).
On Mar 11, 2023 at 7:58 AM -0600, Stephan <[email blocked]>, wrote: