Marked 2 not displaying local images

Charles McKnight's Avatar

Charles McKnight

08 Feb, 2021 09:46 PM

I have a Markdown document with an image in a subdirectory that is a child of the directory the Markdown document is in. I tried using the following Markdown:

my image

but the image did not display. Wondering if it was an HTML issue, I entered the following HTML:

Test Image

but still no image displayed. I loaded the file into another Markdown previewer and the image displayed as I had expected.

// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create Markdown file with an image link

// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.

// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1014 (Direct)

macOS Version: 11.2

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  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 08 Feb, 2021 10:05 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Could you provide a zip file containing a subfolder with image, and the markdown file that should be loading it? Verify that this is happening in the test file, then zip it and attach it here.

    Normally I would assume this was a sandboxing issue, but you're on the direct version which doesn't have permissions issues. So I'll need to see a sample to be able to replicate the issue.



  2. 2 Posted by Charles McKnigh... on 09 Feb, 2021 03:44 AM

    Charles McKnight's Avatar
    HI Brett,

    I’ve been doing some digging and what appears to be happening is that if I drop the directory with all of my Markdown files in it, Markdown seems to reference everything as if that folder was the root because when I load the file individually, I don’t have the issue. I saw a similar issue on the support site, so I suspect the Markdown parser is looking for the image in the root.

    To duplicate:

    1. Create a directory with a subdirectory.
    2. Create an image directory within the subdirectory.
    3. Drop an image in the image directory.
    4. In the parent directory of the image directory, create a Markdown file with an image tag (Markdown or HTML, doesn’t matter).
    5. Drop the parent folder of the Markdown document on to a Marked 2 shortcut.

    The image does not appear.

    If you just open the Markdown file directly, the image will appear.

    Ergo sum, I would suggest checking to see how the paths are being fed to the Markdown processor. At least that’s where I’d start.

    Hope this helps!


    P.S. In case I did a poor job explaining the directory structure, it looks something like:

    +— doc
    +— img

    On Feb 8, 2021, at 2:05 PM, Brett <[email blocked]> wrote:

    // Please reply above this line
    From: Brett (Support staff)
    Subject: Marked 2 not displaying local images

    Could you provide a zip file containing a subfolder with image, and the markdown file that should be loading it? Verify that this is happening in the test file, then zip it and attach it here.

    Normally I would assume this was a sandboxing issue, but you're on the direct version which doesn't have permissions issues. So I'll need to see a sample to be able to replicate the issue.



    View this discussion at our support site online:


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