Is there a CLI utility for Marked to open a .md file from the command line and also to open it from Sublime itself

Nikita Voloboev's Avatar

Nikita Voloboev

Apr 10, 2016 @ 08:47 AM

Like for example there is 'subl' command for Sublime Text to open files from the command line. It would really be great to have that but from the command line, I didn't fin such a command.

Also would be really nice to have a sublime package or command that you can you from the sublime text command palette to open current file in Marked.

Thank you a lot for any help. It really is a great application.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on Apr 10, 2016 @ 01:06 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    You can just run:

    open -a Marked\ 2 [filename]

    Add an alias for it:

    alias marked="open -a Marked\ 2"

    Then you can use "marked" just like "subl".

    There are several packages for Sublime, including palette commands and build systems. Search Package Control for "marked".

    Additional resources can be found here:

    Also note that Marked's URL handler can be used from the shell and scripts as well.


  2. 2 Posted by Nikita Voloboev on Apr 10, 2016 @ 01:17 PM

    Nikita Voloboev's Avatar

    Thank you a lot.

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