Save as PDF

clements.jb's Avatar


30 Oct, 2013 12:24 PM

Marked's ability to save css-themed content in a variety of formats is highly valuable. I use it to save PDF and HTML formats regularly.

However, I almost always want my pdfs to be formatted as separate A4 pages, rather than a continuous single "page" of text of indeterminate length.

At the moment, Marked's Save as PDF defaults to the second option. I use the Print Preview option and then OSX inbuilt Save as PDF to get my preferred output.

Not a huge issue. But I raise it in case others share my experience / preference, is it possible to have a shortcut / option that allows me to save multi-page document directly, with a shortcut and single click, without going via the Print dialogue box?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 30 Oct, 2013 01:14 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Which version of Marked are you using?

  2. 2 Posted by clements.jb on 30 Oct, 2013 02:32 PM

    clements.jb's Avatar

    Version 1.4.3 (228)

    Yes, I hadn't realised there was a version 2!

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 30 Oct, 2013 02:35 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Yep, Marked 2 offers a paginated output by default. If you try it out, hit Command-Shift-E to get an export palette. 

    There’s no upgrade price, but if you purchased Marked 1 very recently, you can either get an App Store refund through Apple and then purchase Marked 2, or contact me at and I’ll provide a small discount via coupon.

  4. 4 Posted by clements.jb on 30 Oct, 2013 02:42 PM

    clements.jb's Avatar

    Ok. I purchased it a few months back. I could check. But I don’t see Marked 2 in the Apps Store at all.
    Dr John Clements 

  5. 5 Posted by clements.jb on 30 Oct, 2013 02:54 PM

    clements.jb's Avatar

    Ok. The App Store shows a date, under Purchases, of 13 May 2013, which sounds about right.
    Dr John Clements 

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