copy as markdown

James's Avatar


07 Apr, 2020 09:47 PM

There was a discussion a while back on the feature of being able to copy as markdown. I think this would be useful. Here is an example of a scenario that I am facing right now.

I have a markdown file showing in Finder. I preview IT in Marked 2. I then want to copy a section of it or it in its entirity to a document I am editing in a file I am editing.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 07 Apr, 2020 10:10 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Hey James,

    I personally can't see translating something to HTML and then back to Markdown when it was already Markdown being a generally useful feature.

    I'll note the request, though.

    - Brett

  2. 2 Posted by Frank on 21 Jan, 2021 02:23 PM

    Frank's Avatar

    This comment was split into a new discussion: Default editors

    I'll use a lot of .md files coming from various places, e.g. done manually myself in some editor, from ithoughts, form some github sites, etc. Usually view them in marked2 but when I want to edit I need get to the actual source file and open it in an editor.

    so for me it would be quite useful to be able to just request it being opened in some "default" editor I can set up out of the application instead of from finder. Guess that's not precisely the same request that James had but it is on similar lines.


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