Is there currently any CSS or option to adjust page length in Fountain?

Moshe Lehrer's Avatar

Moshe Lehrer

10 May, 2018 09:16 PM

Congrats on the update! Looks great. Definitely appreciate the improvements to fountain.
One minor issue is that fountain documents seem to run a lot longer in Marked than other apps (Highland, Slugline), with less text being shown on each page. I've been able to tweak the other settings to match my preferences using CSS, but couldn't find a way to effectively add more text to each page or adjust the top and bottom margins to make it match up with other editors.
Just trying to get the pagination to match up if at all possible.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 10 May, 2018 09:35 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    The page breaks are determined during processing and hardcoded into the
    output, so there's no way to adjust them with CSS. While I've been
    trying to match the current Highland output, the public libraries that
    have been provided for Fountain processing are frustratingly out of

    This is something I'm kind of constantly working on, but it can't take
    priority over Markdown handling in an app that is first and foremost a
    Markdown processor...


  2. 2 Posted by Moish on 10 May, 2018 09:58 PM

    Moish's Avatar

    Thanks! I understand. Appreciated!
        On Thursday, May 10, 2018, 2:35:45 PM PDT, Brett <[email blocked]> wrote:

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