Leanpub Aside

jamie's Avatar


11 Jul, 2014 08:14 PM

Is there a way to render a Leanpub aside in Marked2? Here's the documentation from Leanpub on asides (https://leanpub.com/help/manual#leanpub-auto-asidessidebars).

Here's what an aside looks like with a heading and cross link:

A> ## Your Aside title {#your-aside-title}
A> This is also sometimes known as a sidebar.
A> More info would go here.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 11 Jul, 2014 08:34 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Not yet, though I'm planning support for additional leanpub syntax.

  2. 2 Posted by Davide Barranca on 26 Jan, 2017 10:46 AM

    Davide Barranca's Avatar

    many years later, how's the Leanpub support like?
    I mean asides with custom icons from Font Awesome, images with parameters such as width and float, code highlighting, etc.
    They're pushing a lot with Markua, also.

    It would be *super* useful, and also pretty unique.

    Thank you

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 26 Jan, 2017 02:37 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Aside blocks are implemented. The rendering engine isn't publicly
    available (at least not in full) that I've found, and rewriting the
    whole parser isn't something I have time for.


  4. 4 Posted by Davide Barranca on 26 Jan, 2017 03:02 PM

    Davide Barranca's Avatar

    > Aside blocks are implemented. The rendering engine isn't publicly
    > available (at least not in full) that I've found, and rewriting the
    > whole parser isn't something I have time for.

    Thank you for the prompt answer Brett.
    When I mentioned Markua (which specs, instead, should definitely be open source) it was because there is no markdown app on the market, to date, supporting that standard.
    I've been getting in touch with few MD app developers, logging this one as a feat. request – in the Leanpub community people asking for a dedicated app are regularly seen in the forum stream, and I'm biased to think that the first one who's going to implement Markua (or, for that matter, the Leanpub flavoured MD) has good chances to get a consistent market share.

    If only because they've recently, and substantially, changed their pricing policy (99$ per book), and if an author is not interested in using Leanpub as an ecommerce platform but only as PDF generator, the amount of money he's willing to pay for an unlimited app license is going to be quite high, compared to the standard price tag of such software.

    Thanks again for listening, and if you have one, please add me in your mailing list for product updates.
    Have a nice day,

    Davide Barranca

  5. 5 Posted by Scott on 14 Aug, 2018 05:34 PM

    Scott's Avatar

    I'd vote for Markua support. It appears that they've solidified the spec which includes some handy features that I'd like to use. Is this on the radar?

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Brett on 14 Aug, 2018 06:14 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    I can see implementing individual features, but to the best of my knowledge there is no markua interpreter available to the public, and I'm not planning to write one from scratch.

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