fountain pdf title page
Wow! This is great to see Marked supporting fountain. I'm trying out Marked 2
How do I access the css for the title page that gets made?
I have title, author, contact but they are all shmushed together at the top.
I don't see custom.css in /Library/Application Support/Marked which in your help docs says should be there.
Where are the css files stored?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 28 Sep, 2013 04:45 PM
Fountain CSS can't be customized, it's very precise to allow me to get Slugline-style printing. I may change that in the future.
Custom CSS should be in your User Library (~/Library/Application Support/Marked/), and if it's not you can create that. CSS files can be added from anywhere, though.
There's also the box in the behavior section where you can add general rules that would override some Fountain styles, and you can use the web inspector (right click, inspect element) to find the necessary selectors.
If you could post an example document for testing, I can try to fix anything that's wrong with the output.
2 Posted by rpdooling on 28 Sep, 2013 05:25 PM
According to THE HOLLYWOOD STANDARD a title page should have the title
centered 4 inches below the top of the page, then four lines below that the
credit "written by" let's say, then 2 lines below that the author.
In the lower left hand corner, contact information.
If I run Marked 2 on metadata that looks like this
Author: Wally Writer
Title: My Screenplay
Contact: Andy Agent, CAA
I get title, credit, and author all way up at the top.
The Contact info indeed appears to the left (uncentered, as it should) but
it too is WAY UP like two lines below the author, when it should be down
in the lower left hand corner.
Also, not to nitpick, but screenplays typically don't have the first page
(page 1) numbered.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 28 Sep, 2013 06:30 PM
Thanks for the info.
4 Posted by rpdooling on 28 Sep, 2013 07:59 PM
No. Thank YOU.
I left the credit out of the original sample metadata block. This would be
the most common metadata, but then there are wrinkles like having more than
one author etc. Some include Draft information in the lower right.
Author: Wally Writer
Credit: written by
Title: My Screenplay
Contact: Andy Agent, CAA
5 Posted by Zach Taylor on 10 Apr, 2018 04:06 AM
I just set up Marked 2, and imported a fountain file. The mis-formatted title page was my first view of a rendered page in the software, and googling for that issue brought me here.
I know this might not seem like the biggest issue, but I'm 15 minutes in and this 4+-year-old issue is what has convinced me that this software is not polished enough for me to use for screenplays. I appreciate the effort that has gone into this project, but Rick was right--the title page contents should not be squished at the top of a page.
Support Staff 6 Posted by Brett on 02 May, 2018 09:06 PM
Sorry for the delayed reply on this, life got in the way of keeping up
on my support queues.
Fountain support is not Marked's highest priority, but it's something I
would really love to have functioning fully. However, the fountain team
hasn't updated their publicly available library in some years now, and
it never fully supported title page rendering. I've been modifying it
myself to keep up with other changes in the spec, but haven't had a
chance to dig into title page rendering yet.
At this point, Marked is trying to be a live preview of screenplays
using Fountain, but not a fully-compatible output tool. I'd like to get
it there, but like I said, Fountain is a secondary capability of Marked
right now.