~~ == and other markdown operators wont work

Jens's Avatar


21 Nov, 2012 09:33 AM

First of all: great app!

Im having problems with a few things:




are not working for me

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 21 Nov, 2012 02:24 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Hi Jens,

    The first two are headline syntax, for h1 and h2, and strikethrough is not supported by Markdown or MultiMarkdown extensions.


  2. 2 Posted by Jens on 21 Nov, 2012 08:52 PM

    Jens's Avatar

    Hi again,

    I meant to say that the underline versions of h1 and h2 does not work for me (as shown in the example) Is there any way I could get strikethrough to work? I installed and pointed out the gems mentioned in the github markdown article, but that doesn't seem to work either?

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 21 Nov, 2012 09:02 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    So if you paste the exact text you put into the first message into a blank text file and open it in Marked, you don't see headlines? Are you running a custom processor?

    Discount is the only processor I know of offhand that handles strikethrough. If you install Discount and set your custom processor to /usr/local/bin/markdown (or wherever you chose to install it), you should be able to render that.

  4. 4 Posted by Jens on 22 Nov, 2012 08:08 AM

    Jens's Avatar


    Im not using a custom processor, but even if I do I get the same problem. After experimenting a little I figured out that it is the 'Retain line breaks in paragraphs' that breaks the headlines. If I uncheck that option it works just fine.

    And also It seem that custom processors are not working. If I comment out all of the code in my custom processors or put a raise statement in it, the rendering of markdown still work...

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Brett on 13 Dec, 2012 01:59 AM

    Brett's Avatar

    If the Markdown renders, then your path is probably incorrect for your custom processor. The current version of Marked doesn't give you an error if it can't find the processor, it just ignores it. It's also not great about encoding spaces or expanding tildes. This is all fixed in the next version, but for now what does your custom processor path look like?

  6. 6 Posted by Jens on 13 Dec, 2012 09:54 AM

    Jens's Avatar


    That was exactly my problem. My processor wasn't found, but it showed me no errors. I manage to use a custom processor in the end though, now everything works great.

    thx for your time. Once again. Great App!

  7. Brett closed this discussion on 27 Dec, 2012 01:42 PM.

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