Creating .rtf from iOS using Marked?

vegaz's Avatar


02 Mar, 2012 11:44 PM

I have to say up front that I'm not a coder, so please forgive anything too stupid I'm going to say here.
I use Marked in combination with text editors (my choice at the moment is iA Writer) to create .rtf documents on the basis of a personalized CSS (which I am still working on, trying to understand what can and what cannot be there in the final .rtf formatting).
If I do all that on my Mac, that’s fine. It works ok (even though I really hope Brett is going to be able to pull of something with headers footers an page numbers).
However, I also like to work on my documents on my mobile devices, and here comes the snag. I do not know of a single iOS app able to create an .rtf file on the basis of my markdown documents. So, unless there is one, I can only think of a possible solution implying the use of a specific folder in my Dropbox, monitored by my remote iMac at home. Ideally, the .txt or .md files put there should be opened automatically by Marked (it could be triggered by Hazel, I suppose), which should then create an .rtf version (and possibly even a pdf one) and put it in a different folder in Dropbox, where I can get it using my iPad.
Before I start researching HOW to do it, I would very much appreciate if someone could tell IF this is at all possible, at least in principle.
Is there maybe an easier way to do it?
Thanks in advance for every suggestion you can give.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 06 Mar, 2012 03:51 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    AppleScript commands that would accomplish this kind of automation are on the roadmap, but not implemented yet. There's even a command line utility in the works that would allow you to perform this operation through shell scripting. Not there yet, though.

    Any Markdown app that can send an HTML email is technically sending Rich Text. You could send HTML emails to yourself and have a rule that processes them when they come in.

    You could also set up a script using tools like HTMLDoc, Pandoc and textutil to handle the processing, but I don't have a recipe to give you. It would take a little research.

    Sorry I can't offer an easy solution yet!

  2. Brett closed this discussion on 06 Mar, 2012 03:51 PM.

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