BBEdit no longer previews Markdown files in Marked 2
// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue:
Hi! I am using BBEdit (version 14.6.7 (14D86, Apple Silicon, sandboxed)) and Marked 2 (Version 2.6.27 (1049)) on a Mac Mini M1 running mac)S 14.0.
I use BBEdit to create and edit Markdown files and Marked2 to preview those files. I have the current version of Marked2 set as a file preview option in BBEdit. However since the latest updates (both Marked2 and BBEdit have had recent updates) the Preview in Marked2 no longer works. Preview using BBEdit's inbuilt previewer does work.
When the option in BBEdit to preview using Marked2 is selected, Marked2 starts but does not seem to have the file details and so there is nothing to preview.
Any thoughts please?
// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:
// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.
// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1049 (Mac App Store)
macOS Version: 14.0
allowPageBreakInCode: YES
bookTxtIsLeanpub: NO
summaryMdIsGitBook: NO
codeIsPoetry: NO
codeCanWrap: YES
collapsibleHeadlines: NO
convertGithubCheckboxes: YES
convertGithubEmoji: YES
convertYAMLToMMD: NO
defaultMathJaxConfig: TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML
defaultPreviewStyle: 101
defaultProcessor: MultiMarkdown
enableMiniMap: NO
excludeBlockQuotesFromCounts: NO
excludeFootnotesFromCounts: NO
excludeVerbatimFromCounts: NO
excludeCaptionsFromCounts: NO
folderPreviewExtensionsArray: md, markdown, txt, mdown, html, opml
githubNewlines: YES
h1IsPageBreak: NO
h2IsPageBreak: NO
hrIsPageBreak: NO
includeMathJax: NO
includeKatex: NO
limitTextWidth: NO
mathNumberEquations: NO
mathNumberEquationsSide: 0
mathNumberEquationsAMSOnly: NO
minimalJavaScript: NO
permissionGranted: NO
printHeaderFirstPage: NO
printFooterFirstPage: NO
processHTMLFiles: YES
removeMetadataForPreview: NO
removeYAMLHeaders: NO
scrollToEdit: YES
shouldDetectCritic: YES
shouldHighlightMarkupErrors: YES
shouldLoadCritic: NO
syntaxHighlight: YES
syntaxHighlightOnlyLang: NO
useCustomMarkdownProcessor: NO
useCustomPreprocessor: NO
useFirstH1AsPrintTitle: YES
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 07 Oct, 2023 12:48 PM
This would be an issue with the Previewer in BBEdit, I would think. If
you drag the icon next to the title of the document in BBEdit to the
Marked icon in the Dock, does it open properly?
On 7 Oct 2023, at 2:42, peter2536 wrote:
2 Posted by peter2536 on 07 Oct, 2023 01:22 PM
Thanks for your really quick reply. The suggestion you make for activating a preview does work. However, I think it ought to work from the BBEdit menu option so I've made a copy of my message to you and your reply and sent it off to BBEdit support for them to resolve the issue.
Thanks again for your really quick reply.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 07 Oct, 2023 04:06 PM
Oh, by the way, using the Preview option in BBEdit renders to HTML,
which disables most of Marked's special features. I believe there are
actions you can add to BBEdit to open the actual current Markdown file
in Marked (equivalent to dragging the proxy icon to Marked). But I'm not
a regular user and don't have more info on that.
On 7 Oct 2023, at 8:22, peter2536 wrote:
peter2536 closed this discussion on 06 Feb, 2024 04:04 AM.