Finder Allow Access dialog loop when an opened file is deleted from the file system
// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue: Finder Allow Access dialog loop
// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:
- Open a file in Marked app
- Delete the file using Finder or from any other app.
// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 17 Apr, 2022 01:33 PM
I’ll look into why this is happening. In the meantime if you need to launch Marked in a way that doesn’t try to open the missing file, open Terminal and enter:
open -F -a
And hit return.
2 Posted by sapling.00.yurt on 30 Jul, 2022 01:54 PM
Any update on this one? I delete documents from time to time that I automatically opened in MarkedApp, and when I need to delete this file, I have to go through this loop. You can display a dialog if the file was not found, no need to go into a loop of this accessibility dialogue nonsense. Please.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 30 Jul, 2022 03:14 PM
This does not happen for me locally. When exactly is the loop happening? When you delete a file that was previously open in Marked while it isn't running and then it tries to open previous windows? Or delete it while it's open in Marked? Or something else? I've tried every combination of this and never get this file access loop, though I haven't specifically tested with the Setapp build you're using. Please help me narrow it down.
4 Posted by sapling.00.yurt on 01 Aug, 2022 02:29 AM
Hi Brett,
I was having trouble responding to the email, so I'll post it here.
Thank you for checking this. I’ve attached a screencap of the issue.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Brett on 01 Aug, 2022 05:53 PM
Tested with the Setapp version and attempted to replicate exactly what I saw happening in your video, but I never got a permissions dialog at all. It's baffling that you would be seeing that, as the Setapp version isn't even sandboxed and never needs it.
Out of curiosity, does it go away if you click Allow Access? Or does it keep coming back?
6 Posted by sapling.00.yurt on 02 Aug, 2022 03:03 AM
It keeps coming back, the same behavior as the Cancel button. It'd be good if you could try to replicate it on a Setapp version just so we have the closest build/environment.
BTW I found a way to alleviate the issue so it doesn't bother me as much and deleting outdated documents is not something I do frequently. When I need to delete a file, given I have a script that automatically opens every .md I open on another editor into Marked, I need to close the tab in the Marked app in advance before deleting the file.
Support Staff 7 Posted by Brett on 02 Aug, 2022 12:06 PM
I did test with the Setapp version. As far as I can tell, my setup is identical. Like I said, there's no sandboxing in that version, so it really shouldn't EVER need to ask your permission (and isn't set up to). It's pretty baffling.