Please consider changing markdown mode's context

Matthew L.'s Avatar

Matthew L.

12 Dec, 2019 02:50 AM

Just a suggestion...

Since Marked's two markdown modes, MultiMarkdown and Discount GFM, are specified in Preferences with context that is global only, I don't see how you can have two files open with two markdown styles at the same time. There doesn't seem to be a hotkey to toggle it either. It would be nice to be able to have the context of markdown mode be file-specific. Perhaps the mode could be metadata that is put in a comment tag when editing your document which Marked would see when it parses it accordingly. If no tag exists, then pick the default from preferences. Do you think that could be done without making a mess of things? If Marked was to add support for mode markdown modes I would think this would become more necessary.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 12 Dec, 2019 07:34 AM

    Brett's Avatar

    Thanks for the suggestion.


  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Brett on 12 Dec, 2019 02:04 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    I guess my question on this would be under what circumstances would you
    be working with two different processors? Most people work in one syntax
    or the other, not switching between them from document to document.

    If you want to use basic logic to determine what processor is used, you
    can always create a custom processor. That could either read metadata,
    or it could base its decision on other criteria, such as the existence
    of certain syntax in the document.


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