Support HTTP for accessing custom CSS

jf's Avatar


18 Jun, 2019 10:55 AM

It would be great if custom CSS styles could be referenced by URL with support for HTTP (ideally even HTTPS). That way, custom styles (e.g. corporate stylesheets) could be maintained centrally on a server with different users in an organisation having access to the up-to-date styles at all times.
It would probably not be possible to track changes made to remote CSS files but I think restarting Marked for changes to take effect would be perfectly acceptable.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 19 Jun, 2019 03:24 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    A good portion of Marked's functionality surrounding custom CSS relies
    on having a readable file on disk. While that specific functionality
    might not be necessary in every circumstance, it's a large ask to change
    the core handling.


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