multi-file markdown, git, and teams
We're looking at using Marked 2 for a team of people maintaining help documentation. We love the ease of everyone using markdown in their own editors and we love the html export. But when we export to html, it adds <!-- !> blocks that contain info specific to the user who ran the export making git think there are way more changes to the files than there really are. Is there any way to suppress the comment tags or does anyone have a better way to manage md/html text files in a git repo being edited by a team?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 25 Jul, 2015 11:46 PM
Marked makes a great way to preview documents, but if you're including
rendered HTML from multiple contributors in your git repo you might
consider a build script or commit hook that generates a stricter HTML
output (using the multimarkdown or discount CLI binaries, probably).
Marked's HTML comments are used for the internal preview, and are of
little use to most people in the export, so I could consider removing
them prior to exporting. When combining multiple files it can help
anyone who's actually looking at the code to figure out which file is
responsible for each section, but it does use absolute paths in the
marker comments which would create a different comment for each user.
I'll take a look at possibilities there.