New Ulysses support
Hello, reading from your pages, it seems like Marked very recently started to support live updates from Ulysses:
Textbundle format support (Ulysses 3, iThoughts X upcoming version)
You can preview the current document in Ulysses III using the send-to feature and selecting Marked as the target application.
Live updates should begin once the document has been opened from Ulysses. Make sure the file type is set to Markdown (md), not HTML.
I tried making that happen but I wasn't able, using Ulysses'
regular internal storage.
Not external documents, for which I can't very much be bored
To try that, I sent my document as a markdown text file to Marked
(using CMD-6, ENTER
Is my understanding correct that Marked should now support live
updates in regular Ulysses documents?
How can we make that happen?
Also, are group index files live updated too? That would be
Thanks a lot for your time and attention!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 19 Dec, 2014 04:23 AM
The TextBundle format simply works around sandboxing issues, allowing
any included assets to be granted permission all at once. Ulysses still
doesn't write out the TextBundle format when you save, only when you
Send To... We're working on a more fluid preview, but it's the best I
can do currently.