jump from selection in marked to corresponding position in text

carlosholzofen's Avatar


03 Dec, 2014 07:52 AM

say I have highlighted a portion of text in marked. Is there a way to "jump" to roughly the corresponding position in the text (say in TM2 or Ulysses)?
I am used to such behaviour from writing latex documents using TM2 ("synctex"), so now I am spoiled and wonder if something similar exists in marked! ;-)

Thanks for the great work!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 03 Dec, 2014 03:24 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Not possible. Synctex embeds markers in the generated PDF. There's no
    such option when switching back to an editor. The only way it would work
    is if that particular editor worked directly with me to embed their own
    markers, which I don't see being feasible for mass compatibility.


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