Converting (partially) MultiMarkdown Composer styles to Marked styles -- Solution
I may be the only person in the world who would find this this useful, but in case there are others....
The Challenge
MultiMarkdown Composer has some nice styles that don't have a counter-part in Marked (and vis-a-versa, but that's a different post). So, I was trying to figure out how to use MMC styles in Marked. This is particularly the case if I like how things look with the MMC style, but want to export from Marked, as it offers some additional options.
The Problem
Just copying MMC styles over to Marked's custom css folder and changing their extension to ".css" didn't seem to work. MMC styles are a combination of CSS and its own syntax. For most styles, the CSS reproducing the CSS will get you 80-100% of the way to what you want as a Marked style. But, I didn't want to manually copy that from 15+ different files!
The attached Applescript, written using Javascript for Automation, automates the process. You should be able to paste it into Script Editor, switch from "Applescript" to "Javascript" in the dropdown menu at the upper right corner of the editing area, change the mmcStyleFOlder and markedStyleFolder paths near the top of the program and then run it. It will automatically extract the CSS portion of each MMC style and create a correspondingly named Marked style. So, "My" becomes "MMC My Style.css" in the custom CSS folder for Marked. You'll have to manually add the style via Marked's preference pane to use it.
A few caveats:
Lightly tested at best with almost no error checking. It did what I wanted without destroying anything, but you assume ALL RISK in using it on your computer. Backups are a good idea.
Prepending "MMC" is meant to avoid overwriting existing Marked styles, but will overwrite any styles of the same name. So, be careful.
Some MMC styles rely heavily on their non-CSS code. They will obviously need more work to appear the same in Marked as they did in MMC.
The delimiters I used to isolate the CSS portion of the MMC styles worked in 95% of the cases. However, if things don't work, it might be worth checking if the CSS was properly captured.
Obviously, this little programette will be most useful to those comfortable tweaking CSS.
I've only been a serious Javascript user since JavaScript for Automation came out with OS X Yosemite. So, my code is doubtlessly a horror show to better coders. Please let me know if you spot potential catastrophic flaws, but otherwise laugh only quietly.
Best wishes to all and thanks to Brett and Fletcher for their wonderful programs.
Program to transfer MultiMarkdown styles to Marked styles.
Imperfect at best, but perhaps a useful start.
var app = Application.currentApplication()
app.includeStandardAdditions = true
var system = Application('System Events')
var Finder = Application('Finder')
// At a minimum, you'll have to change these to put in your username.
// Depending whether you have a webstore or Mac AppStore
// version of each program, the location of the styles may differ.
// From each program's preferences, there is an option
// to reveal the styles folder, which is how to discover
// the right location
mmcStyleFolder = Path('/Users/XXXXX/Library/Application Support/MultiMarkdown Composer/Styles/')
var markedStyleFolder = '/Users/XXXXX/Library/Containers/com.brettterpstra.marked2/Data/Library/Application Support/Marked 2/Custom CSS/'
//Read files
//var theFiles=app.chooseFile({multipleSelectionsAllowed: true})
var theFiles = app.chooseFile({
multipleSelectionsAllowed: true,
withPrompt: 'Pick a folder',
defaultLocation: mmcStyleFolder
var documentPath = theFiles.toString()
// Cycle through files
for (var i = 0; i < theFiles.length; i++) {
//Read in the content and extract the CSS related part
var a = app.openForAccess(theFiles[i])
var theContent =
var cssIndex = theContent.indexOf("css =") + 7
var cssHead = theContent.slice(cssIndex)
var cssTail = cssHead.indexOf('";')
var cssBody = cssHead.slice(0, cssTail)
// Construct name for new file and write CSS to it
var oldFileName = system.files.byName(theFiles[i].toString()).name()
var newFileName = "MCC " + oldFileName.split("\.")[0] + ".css"
var newPathName = markedStyleFolder + newFileName
path = Path(newPathName)
try {
} catch (ex) {}
newFile = app.openForAccess(path, {
writePermission: true
app.write(cssBody, {
to: newFile
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