
Having some issues? Something not quite working right? Post your problems here and we'll try and get to them as soon as possible.

Title State Replies Latest Post
timothy.c.bates's Avatar

marked not updating on saves

resolved 7 23 Mar, 2012 05:38 PM by timothy.c.bates
Brett's Avatar

pandoc with bib processing

resolved 10 21 Mar, 2012 03:09 AM by Brett Calcott
Max Andersen's Avatar

Changes saved to a files does not cause refresh have to use Ctrl+R explicitly

open 8 18 Mar, 2012 10:58 PM by Brett
's Avatar

Wanting to Make an html template

open 1 15 Mar, 2012 02:42 PM by Brett
's Avatar

Safari pops up windows to set Vimeo cookies

resolved 3 13 Mar, 2012 04:28 PM by Jeremy Schulz
tobeplugged's Avatar

Running with custom processor produces a paragraph of metadata at the first line of the preview

resolved 7 12 Mar, 2012 09:42 PM by Robert Esland
ian's Avatar

Github Flavored Markdown Table Styling

resolved 2 12 Mar, 2012 04:38 PM by ian
's Avatar

App does not start on lion

resolved 4 10 Mar, 2012 03:37 PM by Kevin Sakhuja
vegaz's Avatar

Creating .rtf from iOS using Marked?

resolved 1 06 Mar, 2012 03:51 PM by Brett
wulff's Avatar

Table of contents displayed behind document images

open 4 02 Mar, 2012 03:23 PM by wulff
Johan Olsson's Avatar

Marked Incorrectly Processes MMD Citations (HTML)

resolved 3 28 Feb, 2012 06:01 PM by Brett
Michael Bishop's Avatar

File type not recognized in bad path in AppleScript

open 4 28 Feb, 2012 04:06 AM by Brett
Mike Johnston's Avatar

Just bought marked - uses 100% CPU

open 6 25 Feb, 2012 11:46 PM by Brett
Daiderd Jordan's Avatar

Hardwrap option.

open 1 17 Feb, 2012 02:02 AM by Brett
neilboyd's Avatar

To show Gear Menu need pixel-perfect click

open 0 16 Feb, 2012 11:32 PM by neilboyd
Nick DeSteffen's Avatar

Code snippets not being rendered properly

open 1 14 Feb, 2012 01:50 AM by Brett
keith.knipling's Avatar

Column alignments in tables

open 3 09 Feb, 2012 01:57 AM by Brett
keith.knipling's Avatar

Bug in nth-child

open 4 08 Feb, 2012 08:57 PM by keith.knipling
keith.knipling's Avatar

Bug in saving HTML (preview template in output)

resolved 2 08 Feb, 2012 05:43 PM by Brett
Nicholas Tulach's Avatar

Bug with Markdown parser

open 4 07 Feb, 2012 02:00 AM by Nicholas K Tulach
Zachary Harmany's Avatar

Strange issue with XHTML header

open 3 06 Feb, 2012 06:50 PM by Brett
's Avatar

Using MultiMarkDown's --process-html option

resolved 1 31 Jan, 2012 09:53 PM by OP
Fabrizio Lodi's Avatar

Marked render file all vertical

resolved 3 31 Jan, 2012 09:08 AM by Brett
boone.severson's Avatar


resolved 4 30 Jan, 2012 10:36 PM by Noam Ross
boone.severson's Avatar

Nit-picky bug relating to updating Preview/HTML button state.

resolved 0 28 Jan, 2012 03:33 AM by boone.severson
Brian Bilman's Avatar

Github flavored markdown as custom processor

resolved 4 27 Jan, 2012 03:04 PM by Brian Billman
crazycousineddie's Avatar

move the settings icon over a few pixels

resolved 1 26 Jan, 2012 07:54 PM by Brett
eli's Avatar

pdf TOC offset left (cutting off some characters)

open 2 23 Jan, 2012 09:53 PM by elij
's Avatar

Problem with printing

resolved 1 16 Jan, 2012 08:36 PM by Brett
N. Recob's Avatar

How do I get a Refund?

resolved 2 15 Jan, 2012 05:03 PM by nr

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