tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:/discussions/problems/23567-code-block-backgrounds-being-stripped-in-pdfs Marked: Discussion 2016-08-11T03:24:57Z tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-05T17:15:56Z 2013-11-05T17:15:57Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>This issue i.e. being caused by the css itself, for example the github.css file contains this:</p> <p>@media print { body { background: #fff }</p> <pre> <code>img, pre, blockquote, table, figure { page-break-inside: avoid } #wrapper { background: #fff; border: none } code { background-color: #fff; color: #333 !important; padding: 0 .2em; border: 1px solid #DEDEDE } pre { background: #fff } pre code { background-color: #fff !important; overflow: visible }</code> </pre> <p>}</p></div> Roger Ragulan Rajaratnam tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-07T11:16:18Z 2013-11-07T11:16:19Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>If you could make it possible to add custom syntax highlighting, similar to how we can add custom styles users could override / fix the default styling.</p></div> Roger Ragulan Rajaratnam tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-07T16:13:59Z 2013-11-07T16:13:59Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>If you could, test this build and see if it resolves the issue for you: <a href= "http://assets.markedapp.com/Marked2.1792.zip">Marked 2.1 (792)</a>.</p></div> Brett tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-07T16:23:46Z 2013-11-07T16:23:48Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>Perfect! I tested a few different syntax styles and they are all saving correctly! Thank you for the swift update.</p> <p>Did you remove the print media styles?</p></div> Roger Ragulan Rajaratnam tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-07T16:27:11Z 2013-11-07T16:27:11Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>I removed the print styles that were forcing white backgrounds, yes.</p> <p>-Brett</p></div> Brett tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-07T17:08:44Z 2013-11-07T17:08:46Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>How long will it take for this to be pushed through as an official update? I'll revert back to the released build and update properly.</p></div> Roger Ragulan Rajaratnam tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-11T21:38:45Z 2013-11-11T21:38:46Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>I'm running Marked 2.1 (793) and am not getting background images in the PDF export.</p> <p>The document in question is an .md with included html files. The display renders properly, but the PDF (or print) does not include any of the background images.</p> <p>Any suggestions?</p></div> troy.pesola tag:support.markedapp.com,2011-09-11:Comment/29808899 2013-11-11T21:51:47Z 2013-11-11T21:51:47Z Code block backgrounds being stripped in PDFs <div><p>This is an entirely different topic, could you please start a new conversation for it?</p> <p>-Brett</p></div> Brett