Images in iA Writer documents do not show - getting the "missing image" question mark box in their place

Steve Biro's Avatar

Steve Biro

20 Mar, 2022 11:59 PM

// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue: Marked 2 is not showing images from iA writer files

// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a markdown document in iA Writer containing images using the Caption format
  2. Verify that images show in the iA Writer preview window
  3. Drag the document from the iA Writer navigation pane to the Marked 2 icon in the macOS dock

// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.

// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1027 (Mac App Store)

macOS Version: 12.3

allowPageBreakInCode: YES
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syntaxHighlightOnlyLang: NO
useCustomMarkdownProcessor: NO
useCustomPreprocessor: NO
useFirstH1AsPrintTitle: YES

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 22 Mar, 2022 12:29 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Hi Steve,

    Where are the images located in relation to the Markdown file?

  2. 2 Posted by Steve Biro on 23 Mar, 2022 01:49 PM

    Steve Biro's Avatar

    Hi Brett,
    Pretty straightforward — the JPG images are in the same folder as the markdown file, which is presented as “/iCloud Drive/iA Writer” by Finder, but the true path is “/Users/stevebiro/Library/Mobile Documents/27N4MQEA55~pro~writer“ when you do the “Copy as Pathname” via option-right-click.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 23 Mar, 2022 02:15 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Could you attach a snippet of the document containing the image references in Markdown format?

    - Brett

  4. 4 Posted by Steve Biro on 24 Mar, 2022 07:40 PM

    Steve Biro's Avatar

    Hi Brett,

    PDF print direct from iA Writer — not via Marked 2 (works OK)…

    PDF print via Marked 2 — note the trouble with the images…

    Markdown follows...

    # The Blade Itself
    By Joe Abercrombie — [The First Law #1]( — on [Goodreads]( — first published May 2006 #books

    - Logen Ninefingers — legendary and infamous barbarian warrior of the Northmen — from Carleon(?) — his band: Black Dow, Rudd Threetrees, Forley the Weakest, Harding Grim, the Dogman, Tul Duru Thunderhead — named for his missing finger — nicknamed the "Bloody-Nine" after losing a finger in battle during a berserker-rage — he strives to turn from the path of senseless violence he has followed for so long
    - Shanka — violent, orc-like, ape-like creatures described as "something between a man and an animal"
    - Bayaz, a powerful Northmen Magus who is centuries old — enlists Logen's help for a journey he plans to take
    - Sand dan Glokta — companions: Practical Frost — a dashing young swordsman before his capture and years of torture by the Gurkish (Emperor) — now crippled, he has become a torturer himself in the Union's Inquisition — subservience to Arch Lector Sult
    - Superior Kalyne — his allegiances have become suspect from Sult and Glokta POV
    - Arch Lector Sult — definitely a bad guy — abusing his authority in order to subvert the merchant guilds
    - Zoller, the greatest of all Arch Lectors
    - Captain Jezal Dan Luther —
    - Major Collem West — Jezal’s older friend
    - Ardee West — Collem’s sister
    - Lord Marshal Varuz — intent on training Jezal for the fencing contest
    - Gustavo the Fifth, High King of the Union (doddering) vs. Emperor of Gurkhas(?) — formerly at war
    - Merchant Guilds: Mercers, Spicers
    - Salem Rews — Mercers Guild
    - Master of the Mints: Sepp dan Teufel
    - King’s Inquisition: Arch Lector > Superiors > Inquisitors > Practicals
    - Fenris the Feared — envoy of Bethod
    - White-Eye Hansul — Ferris’ translator
    - Bethod — King of the Northmen
    - Scale — Bethod’s eldest son — brawny
    - Calder — Bethod’s younger son — cunning

    * * *
    ![Circle of the World Map](circle-of-the-world-map.jpg)

    ![First Law map](first_law_map.jpg)

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