Images in iA Writer documents do not show - getting the "missing image" question mark box in their place
// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue: Marked 2 is not showing images from iA writer files
// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:
- Create a markdown document in iA Writer containing images using the format
- Verify that images show in the iA Writer preview window
- Drag the document from the iA Writer navigation pane to the Marked 2 icon in the macOS dock
// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.
// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1027 (Mac App Store)
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 22 Mar, 2022 12:29 PM
Hi Steve,
Where are the images located in relation to the Markdown file?
2 Posted by Steve Biro on 23 Mar, 2022 01:49 PM
Hi Brett,
Pretty straightforward — the JPG images are in the same folder as the markdown file, which is presented as “/iCloud Drive/iA Writer” by Finder, but the true path is “/Users/stevebiro/Library/Mobile Documents/27N4MQEA55~pro~writer“ when you do the “Copy as Pathname” via option-right-click.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 23 Mar, 2022 02:15 PM
Could you attach a snippet of the document containing the image references in Markdown format?
- Brett
4 Posted by Steve Biro on 24 Mar, 2022 07:40 PM
Hi Brett,
PDF print direct from iA Writer â not via Marked 2 (works OK)â¦
PDF print via Marked 2 â note the trouble with the imagesâ¦
Markdown follows...
# The Blade Itself
By Joe Abercrombie â [The First Law #1]( â on [Goodreads]( â first published May 2006 #books
- Logen Ninefingers â legendary and infamous barbarian warrior of the Northmen â from Carleon(?) â his band: Black Dow, Rudd Threetrees, Forley the Weakest, Harding Grim, the Dogman, Tul Duru Thunderhead â named for his missing finger â nicknamed the "Bloody-Nine" after losing a finger in battle during a berserker-rage â he strives to turn from the path of senseless violence he has followed for so long
- Shanka â violent, orc-like, ape-like creatures described as "something between a man and an animal"
- Bayaz, a powerful Northmen Magus who is centuries old â enlists Logen's help for a journey he plans to take
- Sand dan Glokta â companions: Practical Frost â a dashing young swordsman before his capture and years of torture by the Gurkish (Emperor) â now crippled, he has become a torturer himself in the Union's Inquisition â subservience to Arch Lector Sult
- Superior Kalyne â his allegiances have become suspect from Sult and Glokta POV
- Arch Lector Sult â definitely a bad guy â abusing his authority in order to subvert the merchant guilds
- Zoller, the greatest of all Arch Lectors
- Captain Jezal Dan Luther â
- Major Collem West â Jezalâs older friend
- Ardee West â Collemâs sister
- Lord Marshal Varuz â intent on training Jezal for the fencing contest
- Gustavo the Fifth, High King of the Union (doddering) vs. Emperor of Gurkhas(?) â formerly at war
- Merchant Guilds: Mercers, Spicers
- Salem Rews â Mercers Guild
- Master of the Mints: Sepp dan Teufel
- Kingâs Inquisition: Arch Lector > Superiors > Inquisitors > Practicals
- Fenris the Feared â envoy of Bethod
- White-Eye Hansul â Ferrisâ translator
- Bethod â King of the Northmen
- Scale â Bethodâs eldest son â brawny
- Calder â Bethodâs younger son â cunning
* * *
![Circle of the World Map](circle-of-the-world-map.jpg)
![First Law map](first_law_map.jpg)