Nested lists don't quite work properly
The product as a whole is fantastic, but I do have one small problem with nested bullet lists. Specifically, create a bullet list such as
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 2.1
- Item 2.2
- Item 3
Marked doesn't display 2.1 or 2.2 as sub-lists. Putting more whitespace in front of them makes it work, but that causes VSCode's MarkdownLint to complain about too much indentation.
Note that Github's markdown parser does correctly display the sublist list without needing the excess leading whitespace.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 22 Aug, 2021 10:36 PM
You're using the MultiMarkdown processor, which requires 4 spaces or a
tab to indent a list. If you want to use 2 spaces (which isn't valid in
strict Markdown), switch to the Discount (GFM) processor in
Aside: MarkdownLint is technically wrong in this case. While many modern
Markdown processors do accept 2-space indentation, 4 is the strict
version and no processor I know of will break on it. So if you always
use 4 spaces, it will work everywhere, if you only use 2, it will break
in about 25% of Markdown processors. Maybe there's a lint configuration
you can change this?