When use Scrivener's comment Marked 2 can not ignore the comment and just preview the text.
I love to use MMD format and love to use comment in Scrivener. Marked 2 can make it easy to preview even form Scrivener. That is the bast part. But when I wrote, many times I like to leave comments even in the final draft to mark some ideas or relevant to this part of story. That is how to use Scrivener as useful as possible. On the other way, when I used Scrivener's comment that part of highlighted text with comment can not preview on Marked or not properly. That text they did not appeared on HTML source view too. It just disappeared. I did not want comments to preview on Marked. I commented for the future use on Scrivener. So I want to ask some questions about this. Does Marked have some setting to work around this issue? Or if it does not have the work around. Can you fix this in the future update?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 21 Jun, 2021 06:30 PM
Could you attach a Scrivener document containing an example? It just needs to be one page with text and a comment. I think the problem may have to do with the non-latin characters, but having an example document will help track it down.
2 Posted by deddeaw.bluerid... on 22 Jun, 2021 12:13 AM
This is part or my project on Scrivener. I hope you can track something out.
3 Posted by deddeaw.bluerid... on 24 Jun, 2021 02:00 PM
Do you have any progress about my issue?
Support Staff 4 Posted by Brett on 24 Jun, 2021 10:23 PM
This appears to be an issue Marked has with reading non-latin characters
when processing Scrivener documents. If I add comments to your document
in English, they're properly recognized and you can turn them on and off
with Proofing->Show Comments. Something is broken, probably with
character encoding. I do not have an immediate solution for you, I'll
need to dissect the Scrivener document and run tests on it. This will
take some time.
5 Posted by deddeaw.bluerid... on 01 Jul, 2021 04:06 AM
For the time being, to work around, I decided to make a comment in english. At frist glance it works find. But when I considered it closely. I found that It show only the comments. After I tick off Show Comments, the text—that attached with comments— still disappears. What should I do to fix this?
Support Staff 6 Posted by Brett on 01 Jul, 2021 02:01 PM
I think I misunderstood how comments work in Scrivener (I don't use it
much personally, I've just tried to make Marked usable for people who do
write in it). I currently remove the text that the comment is attached
to and replace it with just the comment contents. I can see that it
would make more sense to include the commented text, and append the
comment itself after that text in the preview. I will have to do some
work to make that happen. In the meantime, the only solution is to just
use placeholder text for the comment in the document.
I have found the source of the original issue you reported and have been
able to correct it. However, in the process I ran into an unrelated bug
that is preventing me from being able to release an update at this time.
It's a difficult bug, so I'm not sure how long it will take to solve,
and I won't be able to release _any_ updates until it's resolved. Before
the next update, though, I will also revise how comments are handled to
avoid removing the attached text from the document.
7 Posted by deddeaw.bluerid... on 02 Jul, 2021 03:01 AM
Great to hear that you will fix my issues in the next update.
In the time being, beside form comment in english, to cope with the comment for better preview in Marked2 I made space after text that I wanted to take a comment and removed comment to that space. Because comment will repace the text in Marked2, so it has worked as expect.
Finally, It is better if Marked2 can choose the document in manuscript to preview. Because this time I started the large project. I also found that it is uncomfortable to always move the final draft out of the manuscript and move back when I want to make a minor revise.
Thank for your concern.