Not more TOC available
Since sometime as soon as I import an image in a MD document :
1) <!--TOC--> directive doesnt work anymore, I get nothing
2) The interface is no more able to dispaly the header list of the document (first icon bottom right)
3) the word "processing" is always visible in the bottom of the rendering window (seems correlated with the two precedent issues)
Here is a very simple example of code that show the problem on my computer : the problem is the same if I use the tag to import a PNG file
# Any title
I really don't know if :
- it is a bug - that I changed the "wrong" settings in Marked preferences (as far as I remember I changed nothing) - A consequence of the last macOs security update which caused some troubles a month ago
I tried to reboot my computer but the problem is still here
// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1007 (Mac App Store)
macOS Version: 10.14.6
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 26 Oct, 2020 07:54 PM
It's quite possible this has to do with sandboxing restrictions and a
failure to load the image causing processing to hang. If you remove the
"./" from the beginning of the image path, does that make a difference?
If you want to test without sandboxing, download the free trial at and run that version to see if it has the same
issue. If not, and that's the easiest solution, I'll provide a license
key for the direct version free of charge.
2 Posted by Gilles Bisson on 26 Oct, 2020 08:29 PM
Hi Brett
Thanks for your answer ...
I tested the two solutions : removing the "./" in the path and using the free trial version however in both cases I have still the same problem : endless "processing" and no more acces to the TOC.
I also tried with a very small JPG image and by moving the MD file in the same folder than the image, nothing works.
Clearly the problem is relatively new : I worked on some (large) documents 6 months ago containing a TOC and at this moment all was right. Now no more TOC on the same files. A very puzzling behavior ...
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 26 Oct, 2020 08:38 PM
Please attach a test document.
4 Posted by Gilles on 27 Oct, 2020 08:36 AM
Here is a small example and the screenshot of the rendering on my computer ...
As you can see "processing" is displayed and I cannot open the TOC menu
Hope this help ...
Support Staff 5 Posted by Brett on 27 Oct, 2020 01:38 PM
In my initial tests with your file and configuration I'm not able to
replicate the issue. The fact that it only happens when you add the
image is confusing (obviously it confuses you as much as it does me). If
you remove the TOC marker but leave the image, does it complete
processing fine? And in that case, does the popup TOC (⌘T) work fine?
6 Posted by Gilles on 27 Oct, 2020 02:33 PM
Hi Brett
"If you remove the TOC marker but leave the image, does it complete processing fine?" NO And in that case, does the popup TOC (⌘T) work fine? NO
But I think I solved the problem !
Currently I am working on multi-users project using the official Github Desktop application to manage the accesses. Thus, all my data files are stored in a local copy of the github account (on my laptop disk), in several shared folders.
Now, If I move the example dataset out of its shared folder, all becomes correct with Marked 2, even if I keep this dataset at the level of the github folder. So the problem seems to came from the fact that the data was inside a (github) SHARED folder.
I suspect that this issue also involves the way macOs asks to explicitly allow access to the folders (I have many hang and crash in Marked 2 with this thing when I move a file from one folder to another) probably there is a lock at this level explaining the endless "processing" issue.
By the way, even if this complicate a little bit my workflow, I am pleased to found the answer and MANY thanks for your help and reactivity !
All the best
Support Staff 7 Posted by Brett on 27 Oct, 2020 03:42 PM
Glad to hear it. I'm not sure I can fully explain why that would be
happening, but it sounds like you've found the issue. Thanks for letting
me know!