images breaking on preview automatic refresh
// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue: Preview loses the images when auto-refreshing after a file edit. An explicit CMD-R refresh restores the images.
// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:
- Open a markdown file containing images
- CMD-E, edit the file, and save chages
- Marked 2 refreshes the preview, but without the images
// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.
// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1007 (Direct)
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 18 Sep, 2020 02:55 PM
I'm unable to replicate this issue on my end, which makes tracking it down significantly more difficult.
While the preview is showing broken images, could you right click on one of the broken image icons and choose "Inspect Element" and send me a screenshot of what you see there? Then hit refresh to restore the image and repeat the process? If you'd like to avoid screenshots, you can also just hit ⌘C while the img element is highlighted and paste the two results into a code block in your response.
2 Posted by George Dinwiddi... on 18 Sep, 2020 03:31 PM
Here are the images.
3 Posted by George Dinwiddi... on 18 Sep, 2020 03:39 PM
Here's the text copy, if that helps
broken image: <img
working image: <img
Besides the "v" parameter changing, I notice the "?" in the directory
name is not URL-encoded in the broken one.
- George
Support Staff 4 Posted by Brett on 18 Sep, 2020 03:47 PM
You're correct, it appears in the broken version that the ? is not being translated to a percent-encoded version as it should be. I'll have to dig in to figure out where this is failing.
It appears you named the parent directory with a question mark, so the obvious workaround right now is just to remove that question mark from the directory name.
In the meantime, I'll try to figure out where that's not being encoded properly (or being prematurely decoded).
5 Posted by George Dinwiddi... on 18 Sep, 2020 03:52 PM
Renaming the directory works. Thank you for helping me figure out what
was wrong.
- George
Support Staff 6 Posted by Brett on 18 Sep, 2020 03:53 PM
Sure thing. I've added the bug to my list for the next update. Thanks
for reporting!