MathJax Bug

Shashank Rajesh's Avatar

Shashank Rajesh

05 Sep, 2020 02:11 PM

// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue: Updating MathJax in the source file breaks the display formatting of the corresponding MathJax in the Marked app.

// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a file with MathJax.
  2. Update that MathJax.
  3. See the formatting get broken when Marked refreshes.

// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.

// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 1007 (Setapp)

macOS Version: 10.15.6

allowPageBreakInCode: YES
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useCustomMarkdownProcessor: NO
useCustomPreprocessor: NO
useFirstH1AsPrintTitle: YES

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 05 Sep, 2020 05:48 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Are you using a custom processor?


  2. 2 Posted by Shashank Rajesh on 05 Sep, 2020 07:50 PM

    Shashank Rajesh's Avatar

    Nope. I tried reinstalling the app to start fresh but I’m not getting the quick setup window for some reason. Is there a .plist file that I can manually delete just to make sure? I’m using Setapp by the way.

    Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 05 Sep, 2020 08:05 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    There is a preference file, but it shouldn’t have anything to do with this. You can get to the quick setup any time by launching the overview from the help menu, though.

    Do you have the same issue if you use Kate’s instead of Mathjax?


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