Marked 2 crashes when I try to "Copy Rich Text"

Andreas Busch's Avatar

Andreas Busch

25 May, 2020 09:37 AM

// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue:

Marked 2 crashes when I try to "Copy Rich Text".

// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open text in Marked 2 (from MultiMarkdown Composer)
  2. Copy text in rich text format via menu
  3. Crash

// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.

// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 987 (Direct)

macOS Version: 10.14.6

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  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 25 May, 2020 02:26 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Does this happen with any document you try it with, or a particular


  2. 2 Posted by Busch, Andreas on 25 May, 2020 04:44 PM

    Busch, Andreas's Avatar


    thanks for the quick reaction!

    Tried it with three recent files, all led to a crash when I tried to "Copy Rich Text".

    Shall I send you the files? They are not in any way special - except they're in German (always worried umlauts might be a problem)...

    Best wishes,


  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 25 May, 2020 04:56 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Yes, please. I’m not seeing any issues on my end, so anything that would help me replicate the issue would be helpful.


  4. 4 Posted by Busch, Andreas on 25 May, 2020 06:32 PM

    Busch, Andreas's Avatar


    here are three files; all crashed when I had them loaded and clicked the "Copy Rich Text" menu (I did not select the text beforehand - should I?).

    On a side note, these are files for my lectures which I videotape - with the help of Marked's Teleprompter mode. Since you wrote (on Twitter?) that I was the only other person apart from you who seemed to use that mode, it seems just fair that you can have a look at them. It's political science, and they are on political parties (in case your German is a bit rusty...).

    Thanks for your help! Hope you can squash that bug.

    Best wishes,


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