Unable to create a new file with tags
// Please enter a detailed description of the issue // Description of the issue: I am unable to create a new file with OSX tags assigned.
// Please enter a list of steps required to reproduce the issue // Steps to reproduce:
- Open Marked 2
- Create new document (command-N)
- Type document filename, tab-key
- Select one or more tags
- press tab-key and Marked 2 dies with no warning/error
// If applicable please attach a sample document that causes the issue for you.
// Configuration (do not edit) Marked 2 985 (Direct)
macOS Version: 10.15.4
allowPageBreakInCode: YES
bookTxtIsLeanpub: NO
summaryMdIsGitBook: NO
codeIsPoetry: NO
codeCanWrap: YES
collapsibleHeadlines: NO
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defaultPreviewStyle: 0
defaultProcessor: MultiMarkdown
enableMiniMap: NO
excludeBlockQuotesFromCounts: NO
excludeFootnotesFromCounts: NO
excludeVerbatimFromCounts: NO
excludeCaptionsFromCounts: NO
folderPreviewExtensionsArray: md, markdown, txt, mdown, html, opml
githubNewlines: YES
h1IsPageBreak: NO
h2IsPageBreak: YES
hrIsPageBreak: NO
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printFooterFirstPage: NO
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scrollToEdit: YES
shouldDetectCritic: YES
shouldHighlightMarkupErrors: NO
shouldLoadCritic: NO
syntaxHighlight: YES
syntaxHighlightOnlyLang: NO
useCustomMarkdownProcessor: YES
customMarkdownProcessor: /usr/local/bin/kramdown
useCustomPreprocessor: NO
useFirstH1AsPrintTitle: YES
Keyboard shortcuts
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r | Focus the comment reply box |
^ + ↩ | Submit the comment |
You can use Command ⌘
instead of Control ^
on Mac
Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 14 May, 2020 04:50 PM
I'm not able to replicate this on my end (file is created with selected
tags). Does creating a new file work if you don't add tags?
2 Posted by troy.pesola on 14 May, 2020 05:20 PM
It does: correctly creates a new file if no tags are selected.
If I pick a tag (or several) then tab away from the tag field Marked2 dies.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Brett on 14 May, 2020 06:47 PM
And just to be sure, are you able to do the same thing in other apps without issue?
- Brett
4 Posted by troy.pesola on 14 May, 2020 07:01 PM
Word worked with no problems using the same tags.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Brett on 14 May, 2020 07:47 PM
I'm not sure what to tell you on this one, considering it's working fine
on all of my test setups (including 10.15). I'll look into it futher,
but as a workaround for the time being I would recommend creating your
new files in your preferred editor and then opening them in Marked.
Sorry I couldn't be of more immediate help on this one.
6 Posted by troy.pesola on 14 May, 2020 10:13 PM
It is okay. It is odd. I haven’t had a chance to try on my other computer.
I also tried updating but it wouldn’t download today. I will have to try
again. I will let you know if I uncover any additional details.
Thanks for checking into it.
7 Posted by troy.pesola on 14 May, 2020 11:36 PM
I tried on my personal MacBook Pro and it worked fine. I'll have to do
some additional testing on my work MacBook Pro (they are different models
with the work one being newer). They're both running 10.15.4
8 Posted by troy.pesola on 15 May, 2020 12:58 AM
I tried again on my work computer with the console up. Here are the log
messages tagged with Marked, below.
Let me know if there any specifics you'd like me to check; this one stuck
out "Death Sentinel"
>> default 18:50:35.294145-0600 runningboardd [executable<Marked
2(502)>:28872] Death sentinel fired!
I could try deleting the app and installing fresh. How deep should I
clean/purge to try that approach?
default 18:50:24.807959-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.807982-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Adding message(2)
default 18:50:24.808006-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Writing
default 18:50:24.808029-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.808250-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.808286-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Reading
default 18:50:24.808310-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.808329-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Reading
SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE 5132 bytes
default 18:50:24.808346-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.808393-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.808413-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Reading
default 18:50:24.808510-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1003) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560]
SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
default 18:50:24.808556-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
default 18:50:24.808578-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
default 18:50:24.808593-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] No TLS-provided SCTs
default 18:50:24.808685-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Asyncing for verify block
default 18:50:24.808711-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_session_handshake_incomplete(170) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560]
Handshake incomplete: certificate evaluation result pending [16]
default 18:50:24.808737-0600 Marked 2 Connection 2: asked to evaluate TLS
default 18:50:24.808917-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> auth completion disp=1 cred=0x0
default 18:50:24.817481-0600 Marked 2 Connection 1: TLS Trust result 0
default 18:50:24.817567-0600 Marked 2
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Returning from verify block
default 18:50:24.817642-0600 Marked 2
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
default 18:50:24.817812-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.817836-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Reading
default 18:50:24.817879-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.817893-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.817904-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.817922-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Writing
default 18:50:24.817970-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client done
default 18:50:24.818048-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS client
default 18:50:24.818124-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake state: TLS client done
default 18:50:24.818312-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1003) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0]
SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
default 18:50:24.818382-0600 Marked 2
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
default 18:50:24.818425-0600 Marked 2
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
default 18:50:24.818447-0600 Marked 2
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] No TLS-provided SCTs
default 18:50:24.818736-0600 Marked 2
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Adding message(20)
default 18:50:24.818777-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1974)
[C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Client handshake done
default 18:50:24.818881-0600 Marked 2
nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] TLS
connected [version(0x0304) ciphersuite(0x1301) group(0x001d)
peer_key(0x0804) alpn(h2) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0)
ocsp(0) sct(0)]
default 18:50:24.819055-0600 Marked 2 nw_flow_connected [C1.1
IPv4#da4ff806:443 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied),
interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] Output protocol connected
default 18:50:24.819390-0600 Marked 2
nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C1] reporting state
default 18:50:24.819597-0600 Marked 2 Connection 1: connected successfully
default 18:50:24.819641-0600 Marked 2 Connection 1: TLS handshake complete
default 18:50:24.819813-0600 Marked 2 Connection 1: ready C(N) E(N)
default 18:50:24.819951-0600 Marked 2 new connection to <private> config
default 18:50:24.821211-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> now using Connection 1
default 18:50:24.821258-0600 Marked 2 Connection 1: received viability
default 18:50:24.821501-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> sent request, body N 0
default 18:50:24.826617-0600 Marked 2 Connection 2: TLS Trust result 0
default 18:50:24.826689-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Returning from verify block
default 18:50:24.826725-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Setting trust result to ssl_verify_ok
default 18:50:24.826884-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.826908-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Reading
default 18:50:24.826957-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.826976-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.826989-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client
default 18:50:24.827013-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Writing
default 18:50:24.827078-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client done
default 18:50:24.827147-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS client
default 18:50:24.827177-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1983)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake state: TLS client done
default 18:50:24.827267-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_copy_peer_sct_list(1003) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560]
SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list returned no SCT extension data
default 18:50:24.827312-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] SecTrustCreateWithCertificates result: 0
default 18:50:24.827333-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] SecTrustSetOCSPResponse result: 0
default 18:50:24.827352-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] No TLS-provided SCTs
default 18:50:24.827471-0600 Marked 2
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Adding message(20)
default 18:50:24.827487-0600 Marked 2 boringssl_context_info_handler(1974)
[C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Client handshake done
default 18:50:24.827508-0600 Marked 2
nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(701) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] TLS
connected [version(0x0304) ciphersuite(0x1301) group(0x001d)
peer_key(0x0804) alpn(h2) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0)
ocsp(0) sct(0)]
default 18:50:24.827600-0600 Marked 2 nw_flow_connected [C2.1
IPv4#22ca5135:443 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied),
interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] Output protocol connected
default 18:50:24.827768-0600 Marked 2
nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C2] reporting state
default 18:50:24.827986-0600 Marked 2 Connection 2: connected successfully
default 18:50:24.828025-0600 Marked 2 Connection 2: TLS handshake complete
default 18:50:24.828146-0600 Marked 2 Connection 2: ready C(N) E(N)
default 18:50:24.828277-0600 Marked 2 new connection to <private> config
default 18:50:24.828789-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> now using Connection 2
default 18:50:24.828852-0600 Marked 2 Connection 2: received viability
default 18:50:24.829102-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> sent request, body S 298
default 18:50:24.829876-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Reading
default 18:50:24.829916-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1117) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] New
session available
default 18:50:24.829967-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] Reading
default 18:50:24.829998-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1117) [C1.1:2][0x7fb4a62068b0] New
session available
default 18:50:24.845884-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Reading
default 18:50:24.845922-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1117) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] New
session available
default 18:50:24.845951-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_message_handler(2258) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] Reading
default 18:50:24.845973-0600 Marked 2
boringssl_context_new_session_handler(1117) [C2.1:2][0x7fb4a601a560] New
session available
default 18:50:24.878093-0600 Marked 2 Failed to resolve item
2A71A53F-D91C-4625-94AA-29704A517BAD for list
com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments: Error
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file doesnât exist."
default 18:50:24.878277-0600 Marked 2 Failed to resolve bookmark
0x7fb4a61352e0 for item 2A71A53F-D91C-4625-94AA-29704A517BAD with error:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file doesnât exist."
default 18:50:24.881165-0600 Marked 2 Failed to resolve item
50B04449-586B-4844-A7C0-D41050164AC6 for list
com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments: Error
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file doesnât exist."
default 18:50:24.881288-0600 Marked 2 Failed to resolve bookmark
0x7fb4a6135960 for item 50B04449-586B-4844-A7C0-D41050164AC6 with error:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The file doesnât exist."
default 18:50:24.912002-0600 hidd Connection added:
IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:B24A9751-4274-41BE-8362-F2D7B519ECFE
pid:28872 process:Marked 2 type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIServices:
___GetIOHIDEventSystemClient_block_invoke + 26 attributes:(null) state:0x0
events:0 mask:0x0
default 18:50:24.948282-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> received response, status 200
content U
default 18:50:24.948379-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> done using Connection 1
default 18:50:24.954643-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> response ended
default 18:50:24.954900-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> summary for task success
{transaction_duration_ms=232, response_status=200, connection=1,
protocol="h2", domain_lookup_duration_ms=22, connect_duration_ms=69,
secure_connection_duration_ms=47, request_start_ms=98,
request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=225, response_duration_ms=6,
request_bytes=162, response_bytes=825, cache_hit=0}
default 18:50:24.955197-0600 Marked 2 Task
<A60BFCFD-DA77-4938-B447-D030F0E900D6>.<1> finished successfully
default 18:50:24.958904-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> resuming, QOS(0x19) Voucher
default 18:50:24.960313-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0,
sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 0, builtin 0}
default 18:50:24.960680-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> now using Connection 2
default 18:50:24.961170-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> sent request, body S 237
default 18:50:25.103610-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> received response, status 200
content U
default 18:50:25.103707-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> done using Connection 2
default 18:50:25.103935-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> response ended
default 18:50:25.104151-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> summary for task success
{transaction_duration_ms=381, response_status=200, connection=2,
protocol="h2", domain_lookup_duration_ms=27, connect_duration_ms=69,
secure_connection_duration_ms=50, request_start_ms=106,
request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=380, response_duration_ms=0,
request_bytes=488, response_bytes=381, cache_hit=0}
default 18:50:25.104357-0600 Marked 2 Task
<2952F7F2-388E-4C72-887A-2C227AD0417E>.<2> finished successfully
default 18:50:25.127832-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> received response, status 200
content U
default 18:50:25.127928-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> done using Connection 2
default 18:50:25.128166-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> response ended
default 18:50:25.128349-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> summary for task success
{transaction_duration_ms=168, response_status=200, connection=2, reused=1,
request_start_ms=1, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=168,
response_duration_ms=0, request_bytes=284, response_bytes=396, cache_hit=0}
default 18:50:25.128566-0600 Marked 2 Task
<BBF03223-DD53-4ED3-84D5-E474B1C1E9E1>.<3> finished successfully
default 18:50:26.345386-0600 hidd Connection added:
IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:75FBC757-7E8C-49EF-B55C-A2C539F34CD3
pid:28872 process:Marked 2 type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox:
_TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x0 events:0
default 18:50:26.348562-0600 hidd Connection removed:
IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:75FBC757-7E8C-49EF-B55C-A2C539F34CD3
pid:28872 process:Marked 2 type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox:
_TISCopyAttachedKeyboardLanguages + 82 attributes:(null) state:0x1 events:0
default 18:50:26.355159-0600 Marked 2 Received configuration update from
daemon (initial)
default 18:50:26.468077-0600 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static
code for: identifier com.brettterpstra.marked2, type: 0: 0x7fbbb920ec90 at
/Applications/Marked 2.app
default 18:50:26.477906-0600 distnoted register name:
com.apple.nsquiet_safe_quit_give_reason object: com.brettterpstra.marked2
token: f428b pid: 28874
default 18:50:26.669970-0600 tccd -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static
code for: identifier com.brettterpstra.marked2, type: 0: 0x7fbbb7d33410 at
/Applications/Marked 2.app
error 18:50:26.840399-0600 tccd Prompting policy for hardened runtime;
service: kTCCServiceCalendar requires entitlement
com.apple.security.personal-information.calendars but it is missing for
RESP:{ID: com.brettterpstra.marked2, PID[28872], auid: 502, euid: 502,
responsible path: '/Applications/Marked 2.app/Contents/MacOS/Marked 2',
binary path: '/Applications/Marked 2.app/Contents/MacOS/Marked 2'},
ACC:{ID: com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService, PID[28874], auid:
502, euid: 502, binary path:
REQ:{ID: com.apple.mds, PID[131], auid: 0, euid: 0, binary path:
default 18:50:29.635413-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | checkAgainstApp is :
Marked 2
default 18:50:29.635463-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
appShouldBeRelaunched:] | entered. checking app: Marked 2
default 18:50:29.635549-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | Adding to
relaunchArray: Marked 2
default 18:50:29.641921-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | Contents:(
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.brettterpstra.marked2";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Marked 2.app";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.apple.console";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/Console.app";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.apple.finder";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.google.chrome";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Google Chrome.app";
BackgroundState = 0;
BundleID = "com.culturedcode.thingsmac";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Things3.app";
default 18:50:34.594750-0600 Marked 2 LSExceptions shared instance
invalidated for timeout.
default 18:50:35.288312-0600 hidd Connection removed:
IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:2A270F94-6CB5-44CD-97A0-FEB2992C92E1
pid:28872 process:Marked 2 type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIToolbox:
___GetIOHIDEventSystemClient_block_invoke + 26 attributes:(null) state:0x1
events:0 mask:0x0
default 18:50:35.288923-0600 hidd Connection removed:
IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:B24A9751-4274-41BE-8362-F2D7B519ECFE
pid:28872 process:Marked 2 type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:HIServices:
___GetIOHIDEventSystemClient_block_invoke + 26 attributes:(null) state:0x1
events:0 mask:0x0
default 18:50:35.294145-0600 runningboardd [executable<Marked
2(502)>:28872] Death sentinel fired!
default 18:50:35.297220-0600 runningboardd Invalidating assertion
276-142-883 (target:executable<Marked 2(502)>) from originator 142
default 18:50:35.304742-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
applicationQuit:] | for app:Marked 2, _appTrackingState = 2
default 18:50:35.304785-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
applicationQuit:] | App: Marked 2, quit, updating active tracking timer
default 18:50:35.308995-0600 runningboardd Invalidating assertion
276-142-882 (target:executable<Marked 2(502)>) from originator 142
default 18:50:35.314537-0600 symptomsd defusing ticker tickerFatal having
seen progress by flow for com.brettterpstra.marked2, rxbytes 7392 duration
10.555 seconds started at time: Thu May 14 18:50:24 2020
default 18:50:35.315427-0600 symptomsd defusing ticker tickerFatal having
seen progress by flow for com.brettterpstra.marked2, rxbytes 7370 duration
10.564 seconds started at time: Thu May 14 18:50:24 2020
default 18:50:35.357101-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
applicationQuit:] | for app:com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService
(Marked 2), _appTrackingState = 2
default 18:50:35.362389-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
applicationQuit:] | for app:QuickLookUIService
(com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService (Marked 2)),
_appTrackingState = 2
default 18:50:35.398814-0600 runningboardd Removing process:
[executable<Marked 2(502)>:28872]
default 18:50:35.400099-0600 runningboardd Removing assertions for
terminated process: [executable<Marked 2(502)>:28872]
error 18:50:35.425682-0600 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called
for untracked item 276-142-883 (target:executable<Marked 2(502)>)
error 18:50:35.425710-0600 runningboardd RBSStateCapture remove item called
for untracked item 276-142-882 (target:executable<Marked 2(502)>)
default 18:50:40.307391-0600 loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport
saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | previouslyRunningApps: (
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.brettterpstra.marked2";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Marked 2.app";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.apple.console";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/Console.app";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.apple.finder";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "com.google.chrome";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Google Chrome.app";
BackgroundState = 0;
BundleID = "com.culturedcode.thingsmac";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Things3.app";
Support Staff 9 Posted by Brett on 15 May, 2020 01:25 PM
Very few of those messages actually appear to be Marked's. Are you
running anything like LittleSnitch or other firewall software? I've
never heard of death sentinel before, it's definitely not an error
message I created.
If you have an app like AppDelete, CleanMyMac, or Hazel, their cleanup
routines are the best at removing all preference and related files for
an app so you can reinstall clean. If you don't have one of those,
remind me whether you have the direct (Paddle), Setapp, or Mac App Store
version of Marked and I'll offer manual instructions.
10 Posted by troy.pesola on 15 May, 2020 01:39 PM
I'm curious where that "death sentinel" came from too. I don't know if
corporate has anything on it.
I believe I purchased through paddle. If you have instructions, great.
If not I can go brute-force.
I'd use terminal find . to search for any/all "marked" files and take a
look to do a brute force clean up.
Support Staff 11 Posted by Brett on 15 May, 2020 03:56 PM
All you should need to worry about is the preferences file. To delete
your preferences with the direct (Paddle) version of Marked 2:
1. Quit Marked 2
2. Delete the file at
~/Library/Preferences/com.brettterpstra.marked2.plist (and any other
files starting with com.brettterpstra.marked2). If you're not sure how
to access this folder, open Finder and press ⌘⇧G, then paste
"~/Library/Preferences" (without quotes) into the box.
3. Reboot the computer (this is important as OS X aggressively caches
preferences and may just restore the deleted file without your
4. Launch Marked 2
This step should actually have the same result as "reinstalling" the
app, since as long as the app is running, it's unlikely that there's
anything corrupted in the install itself. Let me know if it helps with
your issue.
12 Posted by troy.pesola on 15 May, 2020 05:13 PM
Wish we could have identified where the issue was before removing the
plist. I probably should have kept a copy around.
Oh well. I am upgraded to the latest version and tagged file creation is
Support Staff 13 Posted by Brett on 15 May, 2020 05:16 PM
Great, glad to hear it! Thanks for your help in trying to debug it,
hopefully it was just a weird corruption in the prefs. Let me know if it
surfaces again.
14 Posted by troy.pesola on 15 May, 2020 06:16 PM
Will do