Opening a new Marked window freezes my iMac for 1 munte or so.

halloleo's Avatar


02 Sep, 2019 07:33 AM

Hi Brett

When I open a new Marked window it opens (as an empty window quickly, but then it takes a long time (60sec or so!) to render the content. During this time the whole computer is locked up! (Mouse movement still works, but neither mouse clicking nor switching to other apps does).

Why does this happen? I have switched off any custom markdown processor.

This is a pretty dire situation, so I'd really appreciate pointers how to fix this... Thanks!

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Brett on 02 Sep, 2019 01:18 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Is it possible that the files you're opening might have issues that hang
    the renderer? Or is it with any file?


  2. 2 Posted by halloleo on 02 Sep, 2019 01:44 PM

    halloleo's Avatar

    It happens unfortunately with all files...

    And they are all on my normal startup

  3. 3 Posted by halloleo on 02 Sep, 2019 01:57 PM

    halloleo's Avatar

    I meant the files are all on the internal startup drive.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Brett on 02 Sep, 2019 02:33 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Ok, I’m not going to be able to get to fully debugging this until tomorrow, but in the meantime if you could use the Help->Report an Issue menu item to send me your config info, that will help.


  5. 5 Posted by halloleo on 03 Sep, 2019 04:30 AM

    halloleo's Avatar

    Sure, will do.

  6. 6 Posted by halloleo on 03 Sep, 2019 10:20 AM

    halloleo's Avatar

    Ok, here the config from Marked:

    Marked 2 974 (Direct)
    macOS Version: 10.11.6
    allowPageBreakInCode: YES
    bookTxtIsLeanpub: NO
    summaryMdIsGitBook: NO
    codeIsPoetry: NO
    codeCanWrap: YES
    collapsibleHeadlines: YES
    convertGithubCheckboxes: YES
    convertYAMLToMMD: NO
    defaultMathJaxConfig: TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML
    defaultPreviewStyle: 101
    defaultProcessor: MultiMarkdown
    enableMiniMap: YES
    excludeBlockQuotesFromCounts: NO
    excludeFootnotesFromCounts: NO
    excludeVerbatimFromCounts: NO
    excludeCaptionsFromCounts: NO
    folderPreviewExtensionsArray: md, markdown, txt, mdown, html, opml
    githubNewlines: NO
    h1IsPageBreak: NO
    h2IsPageBreak: NO
    hrIsPageBreak: NO
    includeMathJax: YES
    includeKatex: NO
    limitTextWidth: NO
    minimalJavaScript: NO
    permissionGranted: YES
    printHeaderFirstPage: NO
    printFooterFirstPage: NO
    processHTMLFiles: YES
    removeMetadataForPreview: NO
    removeYAMLHeaders: NO
    scrollToEdit: YES
    shouldDetectCritic: YES
    shouldHighlightMarkupErrors: YES
    shouldLoadCritic: NO
    syntaxHighlight: YES
    syntaxHighlightOnlyLang: NO
    useCustomMarkdownProcessor: NO
    customMarkdownProcessor: ~/share/bin/pandoc_marked_with_description
    useCustomPreprocessor: NO
    useFirstH1AsPrintTitle: YES

    Hope this helps!

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Brett on 04 Sep, 2019 06:51 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    I think this might be a 10.11 issue, which is going to require me putting together a test machine to work on (I generally only test for the last three operating systems, and 10.11 is off the cusp now). I won't be able to verify that it's the issue until I've had a chance to test, though.

    If you'd like to do some testing on your end, I'd suggest deleting your preference file and starting clean to see if the issue persists. To do so…

    To delete your preferences with the direct (non-MAS) version of Marked 2:

    1. Quit Marked 2
    2. Delete the file at ~/Library/Preferences/com.brettterpstra.marked2.plist (and any other files starting with com.brettterpstra.marked2). If you're not sure how to access this folder, open Finder and press ⌘⇧G, then paste "~/Library/Preferences" (without quotes) into the box.
    3. Reboot the computer (this is important as OS X aggressively caches preferences and may just restore the deleted file without your knowledge.
    4. Launch Marked 2


  8. 8 Posted by halloleo on 11 Sep, 2019 01:17 PM

    halloleo's Avatar

    Rebooting the computer did fix the issue - for now. However the issue took a while to emerge, so it'll be only a matter of time for it to re-emerge...

  9. Support Staff 9 Posted by Brett on 11 Sep, 2019 04:08 PM

    Brett's Avatar

    Please keep me posted!

  10. 10 Posted by halloleo on 23 Oct, 2021 05:29 AM

    halloleo's Avatar

    Hi Brett, just saw this old issue. The problem doesn't happen any more for a long time (and I have upgraded to Mojave/Catalina), so I guess you can close it.

  11. Support Staff 11 Posted by Brett on 24 Oct, 2021 01:03 AM

    Brett's Avatar

    Thanks for letting me know!


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