Configuration instructions for Apple MacMini and list of installed apps ======================================================================= Order of installation --------------------- 1. Dropbox (as several apps have data on this) 2. 1Password 3. Keyboard Maestro 4. TextExpander 5. PathFinder 6. Apps on AppStore Matters need setting up ----------------------- 1. System preferences / Sharing - need to tick Screen Sharing and Filing Sharing: ![](pictures/System%20preferences%20-%20sharing.jpg) 2. System preferences / Sharing / Options - need to enable Windows sharing: ![](pictures/System%20preferences%20-%20Sharing%20-%20Options.jpg) 3. System preferences / Security & Privacy / Firewall - turn on firewall: ![](pictures/System%20preferences%20-%20firewall.png) 4. System preferences / Security & Privacy / FileVault - turn on file vault: ![](pictures/System%20preferences%20-%20filevault.png) 5. System preferences / Keyboard / Keyboard - tick to enable 1. 'Use F1, F2 etc as standard function keys' 2. 'Show Keyboard, Emoji, & Symbols Viewers in menu bar' ![](pictures/System%20preferences%20-%20keyboard%20(F1,%20F2%20-%20show%20keyboard%20menu).png)